Sunday, April 17, 2016

Today is the last day of AAVE festival, with the underlying theme of this year being "The Human Condition". This title can of course be found in Hannah Arendt`s book and today we continue even more into the themes by Arendt by exploring the banality of the everyday evil, without forgetting the metaphysical aspect (which we also bring "back to earth") in Pekka Sassi´s Kolja-saga at 15:00. Late Andrzej Zulawski´s The Third of the Night is a metaphysical horror-tale about the II World war. If you know the films by Andrei Tarkovski and David Lynch, Zulawski has his house definitely in the same region of dreams. Finally the day will end with two beautiful performances, another one in Malmitalo at 18:00, "Some minutes afet midnight", by Xavier Quérel and another one, "Diafonia" by Kuljuntausta & van Ingen in WHS Theatre Union at 21:30 which reminds about the value of working as a pair, as the last secrtion also bears the name "in tandem".
Today is also the last day of two of the exhibitions, SYSTEMS II is in the Space for Free Arts in Vilhovuorenkuja 16 (open at, 15:00 – 19:00), and Rudi Weidenauer´s Lost to Contact in MAA-tila (Albertinkatu 19, open at 13:00 – 18:00). WELCOME! You can find the whole program from
Finally, here a brief introduction to the first film of the day, screened at 13:00 in Malmitalo (introduced by Olaf Möller "live", don´t miss this):
Franz Kafka´s story of "Hunger artist" has been an inspiration for Artist of Fasting by Adachi Masao, a film about “the last remaining means of resistance: fasting”. Adachi knows what he is talking bout when he deals with art and activism. After years of work including making politicised “pink films” Adachi joined Fusako Shigenobu’s Japanese Red Army (“28-year-long activities in Lebanon devoted to the independence of Palestine”) and was ultimately arrested in Lebanon and extradited to Japan in 2000, where he served a short sentence.
"In Artist of Fasting unexplained act of individual non-action as action creates confusion and deliberation in the community, and soon the lip-sealed protagonist finds himself becoming a media sensation and surrounded by an entourage of eccentrics - ranging from yakuzas to the Doctors for Borders - who claim to speak on his behalf. As noise musician Otomo Yoshihide’s unusually upbeat soundtrack skips along, the sex-tinted comedy finds Adachi taking a bite into a range of controversial topics from ISIS to the historical discrimination of the aboriginal Ainu people from northern Japan. Harking back to performance art of the 1960s in which he took part, the shooting of the film was in itself a performative intervention as Adachi and his team shot primarily at one inner city location over a period of a month. A cutting indictment of contemporary Japan, the absurdist theatre staged by Adachi questions the callous abuse of the individual by the state as well as the inability of onlookers to lend a hand to the defenceless." (Rotterdam Film Festival program)
AAVE 2016 transports you to the edges of humanity, not fearing even the most desperate of situations. Going against the forces that tend to break down the structures of society’s well-being, we want to accentuate the importance of…

Friday, April 15, 2016

AAVE on vaihtoehtoinen liikkuvan kuvan festivaali, jolle ei ole vaihtoehtoa. Tule festivaalille
11 – 17.4. Nähdään elämässä!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Alternative AudioVisual Event

Seitsemännettä kertaa järjestettävä AAVE-festivaali juhlii liikkuvan kuvan monimuotoisuutta elokuva- ja videotaidenäytöksin, live-esityksin ja näyttelyin. Screening- ja live-esitykset järjestetään Malmitalolla ja WHS Teatteri Unionissa Helsingissä ja näyttelyt galleria MAA-tilassa, Vapaan taiteen tilassa sekä MUU Kaapeli -galleriassa. Festivaalin ohjelmistoon sisältyy kaksi yleisöä osallistavaa tapahtumaa, tervetuloa!

Festivaalin ennakkotapahtuma Night of the Beamers täyttää lauantaina 9.4.2016 Helsingin kadut ja pinnat kuvilla, joita jokainen pystyy projisoimaan kotoaan käsin. Kaikki käy: videoprojisoinnit, taskulampuilla synnytetty varjoteatteriesitys tai vaikkapa rytmikäs valoshow. Projisoinnit voidaan kohdistaa kadulle, talon seinään, puiston puihin, tai vaikka omaan ikkunaan. Kulkuvälineestäkin käsin on mahdollista projisoida. Tapahtuman ideoija on DELEGAATIO ja tuotannosta vastaa AAVE-festivaali. Kutsu osallistumaan:
Osallistu lisäämällä profiilisi projektin nettisivulle Lähetä lyhyt teksti sisällöstä, nimimerkkisi (taiteilijanimi), osoite ja kellonaika, jolloin projisointisi on käynnissä projektin webbisivulle. Osallistujia kehoitetaan välttämään häiritsemästä naapureita esim. projisoimalla sisään vastapäisestä ikkunasta tai liittämällä kovaa ääntä esitykseen.“

Keskiviikkona 13.4.2016 klo 18:00–22:00 lämmittelemme festivaalia Vapaan taiteen tilassa kuvataiteilija/elokuvaohjaaja Andre Vicentinin (IT/BR) ja multimediataiteilija Fernando Visockisin (BR) osallistavalla teoksella sekä pienellä purtavalla. Conducting Senses antaa yleisölle mahdollisuuden osallistua projisoituun videomappingiin sensorien rekisteröidessä käyttäjän käsien liikkeet. Teos tuo esiin eri tapoja saattaa ääni ja valo, ihmiset ja arkkitehtuuri vuorovaikutteisuuteen ja käyttää paikkaa moniulotteisena valkokankaana. 



Alternative AudioVisual Event 
AAVE Festival sails into town for the seventh time to celebrate the variety in the art of the moving image with film and video art screenings, live performances and exhibitions. The screenings and live performances will take place at Malmitalo and WHS Theatre Union in Helsinki and the exhibitions can be viewed at galleries MAA-tila, Space for Free Arts and MUU Kaapeli. The festival program includes two participatory events for the audience, welcome! 
Our pre-festival event Night of the Beamers on Saturday 9.4.2016 is a night full of projections in the surfaces of Helsinki. Everyone can participate from their own home: join us with your own video projections, shadow theatre or a rhythmic light show. All you need is a video or slide projector, your own personal magic lantern or even a flashlight. Project on the streets, to the wall of a house, trees in the park or your own window. You can even use a moving vehicle. You may also do it inside and invite an audience. Remember to be cautious. Do not reflect any light directly through your neighbor’s window and remember not to play sounds too loud! Concept by DELEGAATIO and production by AAVE Festival. Invitation to participate: 
”Youcanparticipatebyaddingyourprofiletoourwebsite, your alias (artist ́s name), address and time, when you will have your event to the website. Participants are asked to avoid disturbing the neighbors by i.e. projecting inside to anyone ́s apartment without permission or playing unnecessarily loud sounds.” 

On Wednesday 13.4.2016, 18:00–22:00 we have the warm up event of the festival in the Space for the Free Arts (Vapaan taiteen tila) with participatory work by visual artist/film director Andre Vicentini (IT/BR) and multimedia artist Fernando Visockis (BR) and having some snacks. Conducting Senses makes possible for audiences to interact with projection mapping. Sensors enable the capture of a wide range of the user’s hands movements, making it possible to explore the interaction between sound and light, people and architecture making use of the site as a multidimensional canvas. 

The festival is free of charge except the program at WHS Teatteri Union. We reserve the right to changes in the programme. The festival is organized by non-profit cultural association Kaiku ry, Nomadic Academy of Experimental Arts and the City of Helsinki Cultural Centre Malmitalo. We would like to extend our thanks to the Kone Foundation and Arts Promotion Centre Finland for their support. 

Cultural Centre Malmitalo, Ala-Malmin tori 1 
WHS Teatteri Union, Unioninkatu 45 LH 1-2 
Gallery MUU Kaapeli, Tallberginkatu 1 C 
MAA-tila, Albertinkatu 19 
Space for Free Arts, Vilhonvuorenkuja 15 
Cafe Pub Oslo, Keinulaudankuja 4

Tel. 050 3020 258