Monday, January 17, 2011

R i t o r n e l l o f f n y y t t ä r i t 17.1

R i t o r n e l l o f f  n y y t t ä r i t 17.1 on monday 17.1.2011 7pm

A r t ' s B i r t h d a y 2 0 1 1 --- J a n u a r y 15 t o 18 -- g l o b a l n e
t w o r k e x c h a n g e -- p a r ty --- c a k e !!!

Nomadic Academy of Experimental arts will arrange a gathering 17.1 at 7pm in Harakka island, Helsinki. By arranging this evening we are celebrating the 1000048 arts birthday: to Harakka on monday! The Ice is 60 cm thick -- it is safe enough to carry a mammoth. There might be some water on the ice here and there because the weather forecast promises +2 degrees and the wind might be blowing from the sea - so choose your boots according to it.

Nomadic Academy of Experimental arts will arrange a gathering 17.1 at 7pm in Harakka island, Helsinki. By arranging this evening we are celebrating the 1000048 arts birthday:

A r t ' s B i r t h d a y 2 0 1 1 --- J a n u a r y 15 t o 18 -- g l o b a l n e t w o r k e x c h a n g e -- p a r ty --- c a k e !!!

We will have a launching of "Ritornelloff nyyttärit" ("Ritornelloff Potluck"), gatherings around different themes on experimentality in arts and some live program which will be announced later. We will discuss (uninformally) about the future form of Nomadic Academy.

Welcome everybody!

You can come by "walking on thick ice" to the island
from the Kaivopuisto shore, nearby the pier beside Cafe Ursula. You´ll see the path in snow there. You walk to the artists house, which is the biggest building in the island on the top of it, the gathering is in the 2nd floor, in the auditorium and in the kitchen/hall.

NOTE PLAN B! - in case of "the thin ice". If on that day the ice has melted because of the warm weather we can´t go to the island but the gathering will be arranged in a completely different address Inkoonkatu 1 B 7 in Alppila (Trams 3B & 3T, bus 23, step out in Linnanmäki parking lot tram/busstop or use tram 9 - when nearby call 0504318898 so I´ll come to open the door for you)

Bring in some food and drink, yourself and your thoughts about the future. We are "non-profit" and this time it is potluck (bring and share) or "nyyttikestit" in finnish.


ZOTE(N)WERK is a sound-collective formed by Minna Holkkola and Timo Heinonen, bringing together the human and machine sounds in leaking border surfaces and in varying contexts.

"ZOTE(N)WERK on Minna Holkkolan ja Timo Heinosen muodostama saostuma, joka tutkii ihmis- ja koneäänen ilmaisumahdollisuuksia vuotavilla rajapinnoilla ja vaihtelevissa yhteyksissä. Säveltason ja hälyn, laulun ja puheen, äänen ja tekstin, soivan ja visuaalisen sekä erilaisen muuaineksen koostelmista syntyy ääni- ja sointiolioita, tapahtumarakenteisia muodonmuutoksia – toisinaan rumia nuotteja, rivoa sontaa, sontioita ja luokattomia alaviitteitä olemiseen."

The event is arranged by The Part-Time Teachers Action Group and Nomadic Academy of Experimental Arts, Helsinki.

The evening is dedicated to Risto Heikinheimo (1955-2010/11), who sadly passed away during the new years eve. Painter and performance artist Heikinheimo was an important figure of avantgarde art in Finland.

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