En Garde -sarjamme esittelee teoksia, jotka rikkovat rohkeasti audiovisuaalisten teosten tavanomaisimpia rajoja. Turner-palkitun, “instagram-sukupolven” digitaalista kuvakerrontaa installaatioissaan ilmentävän 35-vuotiaan Laure Prouvostin pitkä elokuva The Wanderer (2013) aloittaa festivaalimme screeningohjelman. Näytämme sen yhdessä kahden hänen videoteoksensa kanssa.
TORSTAI 10.4.2014
18:00 Jukka Hautamäki & Minna Pöllänen
18:30 Laure Prouvost
Tapahtumapaikka: Malmitalo, Ala-Malmin tori 1, Helsinki. Vapaa pääsy!
Laure Prouvost (b. 1978 in Lille, France) is known for videos, films and installations in which she ponders the role and the means of an artist as part of the art world and strange, unpredictable connections between things characterised by richly layered stories, translation, and surreal moments. Duration of the compilation is around 85 minutes.
THU 10.4.2014 Pieni sali (Malmitalo) 18:30
1. OWT (2007, 03:00)
The video is of a self-proclaimed ‘curator of artist’s video works’ explaining what he sees as the role and function of video art, quoting Walter Benjamin along the way. His speech, though, is spliced and reworded so as to become almost incomprehensible. There are distracting jump-cuts to people in pools and farm animals, while the voiceover is humorously mis-subtitled.
2. IT, HEAT, HIT (2010, 06:00)
It, Heat, Hit propels a story where the images of a swimming frog or snowy street scene are followed by statements of love and implied violence. The mood of the film gradually becomes darker and more unsettling.
3. THE WANDERER (The Directors Cut) (2013, 75:00)
“When I double speak, laughing and vomiting by the swing-bridge, then my language exits through a trapdoor.” Laure Prouvost’s feature film The Wanderer is based on a text by artist Rory Macbeth, who translated a Kafka novella from German into English without any knowledge of the German language and without a dictionary. On the way between languages, the original narrative is transformed, if not lost, in translation.
AAVE Festival 7. – 13.4.2014
Audiovisuaalisia performansseja, elokuvia, videotaidetta, näyttelyitä ja paljon muuta! Viides audiovisuaalisen taiteen festivaali AAVE ilmaantuu Helsingin tapahtuma-areenoille huhtikuun toisella viikolla.Varjojen lepattaessa ja kuuloluita kaiuttelevien äänten sinkoutuessa sukellamme jälleen liikkuvan kuvan monimuotoisuuteen...
Our En Garde -screenings present new audacious works, which break the usual borders. The works by Laure Prouvost, 35 year old Turner Prize -winner “who combines digital imagery for the ´Instagram generation´ with atmospheric installations”, will begin our screening program. We show her feature-length film The Wanderer (2013) and two of her video art works. In this year AAVE will also screen moving image works by the Polish painter and filmmaker Wilhelm Sasnal as a prelude to his visit in Helsinki, hopefully in 2015.
THURSDAY 10.4.2014
18:00 Jukka Hautamäki & Minna Pöllänen
18:30 Laure Prouvost
Laure Prouvost (b. 1978 in Lille, France) is known for videos, films and installations in which she ponders the role and the means of an artist as part of the art world and strange, unpredictable connections between things characterised by richly layered stories, translation, and surreal moments. Duration of the compilation is around 85 minutes.
THU 10.4.2014 Pieni sali (Malmitalo) 18:30
1. OWT (2007, 03:00)
The video is of a self-proclaimed ‘curator of artist’s video works’ explaining what he sees as the role and function of video art, quoting Walter Benjamin along the way. His speech, though, is spliced and reworded so as to become almost incomprehensible. There are distracting jump-cuts to people in pools and farm animals, while the voiceover is humorously mis-subtitled.
2. IT, HEAT, HIT (2010, 06:00)
It, Heat, Hit propels a story where the images of a swimming frog or snowy street scene are followed by statements of love and implied violence. The mood of the film gradually becomes darker and more unsettling.
3. THE WANDERER (The Directors Cut) (2013, 75:00)
“When I double speak, laughing and vomiting by the swing-bridge, then my language exits through a trapdoor.” Laure Prouvost’s feature film The Wanderer is based on a text by artist Rory Macbeth, who translated a Kafka novella from German into English without any knowledge of the German language and without a dictionary. On the way between languages, the original narrative is transformed, if not lost, in translation.
AAVE Festival 7. – 13.4.2014
Audiovisual performances, screenings of films and video art, exhibitions and much more… the fifth alternative audiovisual arts festival AAVE (Finnish for ghost) appears again in event venues around Helsinki during the second week of April. Shadows flutter and voices echo in our ears while we dive once more to the diversity of moving image.